The West Branch Greenway was officially opened on May 21st. The Davidson Lands Conservancy supported this event by leading nature and birding hikes, and also organizing a fun scavenger hunt where kids were on the lookout for the wildlife and fauna of this unique natural area.
Jim Garges (shown in photo), Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation Director, opened the festivities at 1 with opening remarks. It was a glorious spring day, with sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-80s.
The West Branch Greenway runs from River Ford Drive in the River Run subdivision in Davidson, North Carolina to the West Branch Wetland. In total the trail is 1 1/4 miles, with much of it running alongside the West Branch of the Rocky River.
This greenway runs largely through mature forests comprised of oaks, elms, and stately tulip poplars. Many trees are 3 feet in diameter and 80 feet in height. At the trail’s terminus, a short hike into the West Branch Wetland shows that trees are no match for the hard working beaver!
Come out and enjoy the newest addition to the greenway system in Davidson and Mecklenburg County. You will be glad you did.